I'll be using clojure-contrib version 1.2 (from the current master branch), since its "string" API provides some very useful functions (that seem to not be available in the 1.1 version):
(require '[clojure.contrib.string :as str])
(defn strip-comments [s] (str/join "" (str/split #";.*\n?" s)))
(defn tokenize [s] (filter #(not (= "" %)) (map #(str/trim %) (str/partition #"\(| |\)|\"[^\"]*\"" (strip-comments s)))))
; Try to cast string first as integer, then as float (defn parse-num [s] (try (Integer/parseInt s) (catch NumberFormatException nfe (try (Float/parseFloat s) (catch NumberFormatException nfe s))))) (defn process-numeric-tokens [tokens] (map #(parse-num %) tokens))
(defn balanced? [tokens] (loop [i 0, nop 0, ncp 0] (if (>= i (count tokens)) (= nop ncp) (cond (= (nth tokens i) "(") (recur (inc i) (inc nop) ncp) (= (nth tokens i) ")") (recur (inc i) nop (inc ncp)) :default (recur (inc i) nop ncp)))))
(defn build-syntax-tree [tokens] (loop [i 0, node ()] (if (>= i (count tokens)) node (let [token (nth tokens i)] (cond (= "(" token) ; create and visit a new node level, ; and add it to current node (let [sub-node (build-syntax-tree (drop (inc i) tokens))] (recur (+ i (count-tokens sub-node)) (concat node (list sub-node)))) (= ")" token) ; return node node :default ; add token to current node (recur (inc i) (concat node (list token))))))))
(defn atom? [elem] (not (seq? elem))) (defn count-tokens [node] (loop [i 0, counter 2] ; count opening and closing parentheses (if (>= i (count node)) counter (let [elem (nth node i)] (if (atom? elem) (recur (inc i) (inc counter)) (recur (inc i) (+ counter (count-tokens elem))))))))
; symbol-table: { var-symbol -> ["var", var-node], ; fn-symbol -> ["function", params, fn-nodes] }, ; where fn-nodes is a list of function ; expressions, or "statements" (defn extract-symbol-table [node] (loop [i 0, symbol-table {}] (if (>= i (count node)) symbol-table (let [elem (nth node i)] (if (atom? elem) (cond (= elem "setq") (do (assert (zero? i)) (assert (= (count node) 3)) (recur (inc i) (assoc symbol-table (nth node 1) ["var" (nth node 2)]))) (= elem "defun") (do (assert (zero? i)) (recur (inc i) (assoc symbol-table (nth node 1) ["function" (nth node 2) (drop 3 node)]))) :default (recur (inc i) symbol-table)) (recur (inc i) (merge symbol-table (extract-symbol-table elem))))))))
(defn execute-node [node symbol-table] (if (atom? node) ; it's an atom (cond (contains? #{"true" "t"} node) true (contains? #{"false" "f" "nil"} node) false (contains? symbol-table node) ; try to replace atom by corresponding var-node, if it exists (execute-node (second (get symbol-table node)) symbol-table) :default node) ; it's a node (cond (= (first node) "if") ; "if" node (do (assert (= (count node) 4)) (execute-function "if" (rest node) symbol-table)) (or (= (first node) "setq") (= (first node) "defun")) ; dont execute those nil :default (loop [i 0, function nil, params nil] ; not if (if (>= i (count node)) (execute-function function params symbol-table) (let [elem (nth node i)] (if (zero? i) (recur (inc i) elem ()) ; set 1rst elem as function (let [exec-node (execute-node elem symbol-table)] (recur (inc i) function (concat params (list exec-node))))))))))) ; accum params
; function: symbol ; params: list ; symbol-table: map (defn execute-function [function params symbol-table] (cond (contains? symbol-table function) ; user-defined function (let [fn-cell (get symbol-table function)] (let [fn-params (nth fn-cell 1) fn-nodes (nth fn-cell 2)] (let [fn-instance (get-function-instance fn-nodes (zipmap fn-params params))] (doseq [fn-inst-node (take (dec (count fn-instance)) fn-instance)] (execute-node fn-inst-node symbol-table)) (execute-node (last fn-instance) symbol-table)))) (= function "+") (apply + params) (= function "-") (apply - params) (= function "print") (if (= (:dtype (first params)) java.lang.String) (println (str/replace-str "\"" "" (first params))) ; remove enclosing double quotes (println (first params))) (= function "list") params (= function "count") (count (first params)) (= function "car") (first (first params)) (= function "cdr") (rest (first params)) (= function "=") (= (first params) (second params)) (= function "if") (if (execute-node (first params) symbol-table) (execute-node (second params) symbol-table) (execute-node (nth params 2) symbol-table)) (= function "progn") (do ; multi-statements emulation (doseq [node (take (dec (count params)) params)] (execute-node node symbol-table)) (execute-node (last params) symbol-table)) :default (if function (cons function params) ()) ))
; Returns a function-node in which all instances of params found in ; param-map have been replaced by their actual values (defn get-function-instance [fn-nodes param-map] (loop [i 0, fn-instance ()] (if (>= i (count fn-nodes)) fn-instance (let [elem (nth fn-nodes i)] (if (atom? elem) (if (contains? param-map elem) ; match found: replace param by param-node (recur (inc i) (concat fn-instance (list (get param-map elem)))) (recur (inc i) (concat fn-instance (list elem)))) (recur (inc i) (concat fn-instance (list (get-function-instance elem param-map)))))))))
(defn execute-program [input-str] (let [tokens (process-numeric-tokens (tokenize input-str))] (if (not (balanced? tokens)) (println "Unbalanced parentheses problem") (let [syntax-tree (build-syntax-tree tokens)] (let [symbol-table (extract-symbol-table syntax-tree)] (doseq [node syntax-tree] (execute-node node symbol-table))))))) (execute-program (slurp (first *command-line-args*)))
; Remember this is mini Lisp, not Clojure! (setq *g* 40) (defun add (x y) (+ x y)) (defun minus (x y) (- x y)) (defun test (p) (add p (minus p *g*))) (print (test 3)) ; Should give -34
(defun recursive-count (p) (if (= (list) p) 0 (+ 1 (recursive-count (cdr p))))) (print (recursive-count (list 1 2 3 4))) ; Should give 4
Can I ask what did you use for the syntax highlighting of the clojure code? It looks gd.
ReplyDelete@chan kok leong: Emacs syntax highlighting (produced with M-x htmlize-region, htmlize.el package)
ReplyDeletePossibly performance tweak: instead of preprocessing for numbers, handle them in the atom parsing of execute-node. After handling the other constants....
ReplyDeleteCould you add clojure label to this (and future posts) so it will possible to add your blog to Planet Clojure?